Wednesday, September 30, 2009

markets r on 16 months high................ enjoyinggggggggggggggggg?

summary of todays call:-

mainly calls were positional:-

india info buy call given around 150 went up to 152.2 nd closed 149 (hold with ssl of 141.8)

colgate buy call given around 640 went up to 649 nd closed to 633.2 (hold with ssl 0f 620)

ackruti is positional call traded flat went up to 554.5... buy again tomorow closed 546/-

icsa buy call given around 212 made high of 215.9 then s/l trigered in last hour unfortunatelyyy

note- you can enter again tomorow in positional calls with s/l nd if s/l triggered dan exit........

1 comment:

  1. its gr8 help from you ... I hope and pray 2 god that he gives you so much knowledge and courage so that u may help so many like us ..... thanking you....
